The gateway to the Islamic Sciences

The Ilmiyyah Program is a two-year program that endows mastery in four major sciences (Qur'ān, Arabic, Aqīdah, and Hadith). A student becomes a "Hirzologist" by becoming a true guardian of what they have learned and making that knowledge accessible to the lay people and illiterate of the Ummah. Students become a mini-encyclopedia by memorizing and mastering texts with their explanations dealing with four significant sciences of Islam: Arabic, Tajwīd, Aqīdah, and Hadith.

- Khuluqun Adheem
- Ability to read and write Arabic

Registration Fee: $10
Monthly Tuition: $350

Coming SOON

إِنَّمَا يَخْشَى ٱللَّهَ مِنْ عِبَادِهِ ٱلْعُلَمَـٰٓؤُا۟

"…Verily, only those who fear Allāh from among His servants are those with knowledge…"
(Fatir - 28)

Course Overview

The Ilmiyyah Program is a two-year program that endows mastery in four major sciences (Qur'ān, Arabic, Aqīdah, and Hadith). A student becomes a "Hirzologist" by becoming a true guardian of what they have learned and making that knowledge accessible to the lay people and illiterate of the Ummah. Students become a mini-encyclopedia by memorizing and mastering texts with their explanations dealing with four significant sciences of Islam: Arabic, Tajwīd, Aqīdah, and Hadīth.

Texts (Mutoon) that will be covered in the program:

Course Objectives

llmiyyah strives to foster an understanding of Islamic principles, ethics, and morals through the study of Qur'ān, Hadith, Aqīdah, and Arabic. Accomplishing this through obtaining proper knowledge, implementing the actions into one’s life, and serving the community at large ultimately to strengthen one’s faith. Within the program itself students will learn Arabic grammar, syntax, morphology, and semantics. While also learning the art of reciting the Qur'ān with proper Tajwīd. Through the study of Hadith, students also learn the methodology of interpreting, analyzing, and applying the Prophetic traditions. Through the guidance of qualified Hirz instructors students will develop an understanding of the Sunnah and its relevance to modern contemporary times, and thus how to apply it in their personal and professional lives. However, Ilmiyyah strives to foster more than just an understanding, but instead to foster the next generation of Islamic leaders who will guide their communities, helping to spread the message and continuing to legacy of the preservation of Islam.


*Students will be tested on their Ḥifdh and Arabic understanding prior to admission in the program, and only those who pass the screening will be granted admission into to the program.

مَنْ يُرِدِ اللَّهُ بِهِ خَيْرًا يُفَقِّهْهُ فِي الدِّينِ

“ If Allāh wants to do good to a person, He makes him comprehend the religion …”

(Saḥiḥ al-Bukhārī - 71)

Student Testimonials

See what the previous graduates have to say about this course!
Alhamdulilah Illmiyyah has given us a traditional way of seeking ilm that we have been deprived of in the west. It entails almost every science from Nahu, Ilm Ul-Quraan, Ilm Ul-Hadeeth, Aqeedah to tareekh and fiqh. The course’s emphasis on memorization and understanding allows us to solidify and apply it in our times, as the knowledge is given with supplemental information, connecting it to modern day issues. Alhamdulilah with the tawfeeq Allah, once the knowledge is applied, a strong basis is given and we are equipped with tools to further and advance in future studies.
Ahmad Kadado
Ilmiyyah Student
Ilmiyyah with Shaykh Okasha has been a life changing course. We cover the basics of the Islamic sciences and occasionally delve deeper where Shaykh deems necessary. Along with the traditional knowledge, we also benefit greatly from observing Shakh Okasha's akhlaaq. Seeing how patient and caring with his students leaves a great impact on us and motivates us to act with excellence with the people in our lives.
Fauzan Mansoori
Ilmiyyah Student
"The Tahseen course was a life-changing experience, it changed my relationship with the Qur'ān for the better, and I continue to benefit from it a year after attending the course. Shaykh navigates the complex text with ease and simplifies everything so you can get the most out of it. This is a course that everyone should attend to improve their relationship with the Qur'ān and get a fantastic introduction to the science of Qirā'āt."
Mariyyah Abdullah
Al-Hirz Institute Student

Frequently Asked Questions

Currently Al-Hirz Institute offers this class in an online format with classes being held over zoom.

The student will be asked to recite through a commonly used application based on the instructors discretion. The student will be notified of this application in class. Students will be asked to submit recordings of memorized texts on a bi-weekly schedule based on the instructors discretion.

The Ilmiyyah program is typically a 2-3 year program based of the speed of the batch and how long it takes them to cover a certain topic.

An Ijāzah in any field can be summed up as a certification of mastery given by one’s teacher. An Ijāzah in the memorization of Qur'ān will link the student back to the Prophet ﷺ.

In this class, instructor’s will grant Ijāzah upon their discretion based on whether the student upheld the requirements of the class.

The requirements to be certified will be mentioned in class.

The more a student has memorized from the Qur'ān, the better it will be for them, and their ability to understand the basic concepts of Arabic and Qur'ān which serve as the foundation of this course. Al-Hirz plans on starting a full time and part time hifdh program. Insha'Allah it will be announced once the programs start date has been finalized.